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3 min read
7 Signs Your Dismissal Might Be Unfair
Have you been dismissed recently? Read these seven warning signs to check if your dismissal was above board.

2 min read
Baby, I’m back! Returning to work after maternity leave.
Understand your rights when returning to work from maternity leave.

3 min read
All Tied Up - things to consider when signing a contract with a Restraint of Trade clause.
Things to think about if your new contract has a restraint of trade clause.

2 min read
Over before it has begun... dismissal during your 90 day trial.
How to tell if your employment rights have been breached when dismissed on a 90 day trial.

3 min read
12 reasons an employer CAN'T dismiss you.
Understanding your employment rights - here are 12 things your employer can't dismiss you for.

5 min read
What? When? How? Who? What questions an employer can - and can't - ask you.
What are your rights when it comes to questions your employer (or potential employer) can or can't ask you?

3 min read
Don't let your end-of-year party be the end... do's and don'ts of work Christmas parties.
What not to do at end-of-year work Christmas parties.

3 min read
Keeping Things Casual... Understanding your rights as a Casual Employee in New Zealand.
The rights of casual employees can be misunderstood or overlooked. Know your rights as a casual worker to ensure you are treated fairly.

3 min read
Time to say goodbye - what happens after you hand in your resignation?
Understanding your rights and obligations when you hand in your resignation.

3 min read
Decoding Paycheck Deductions: What's Fair Game for Your Employer?
Understanding what deductions your employer can legally make from your paycheck and when your consent is required.

3 min read
Getting a Fair Go: understanding unjustified disadvantage and what to do when it happens to you.
Understand what unfair disadvantage means, what it can look like, and what to do when it is happening to you.

3 min read
Understanding Workplace Bullying...what it is and what it isn't.
A quick guide on understanding what is, and what isn't, workplace bullying.

5 min read
Congratulations - you have a new job! What you need to know before you sign your employment contract.
Your employment contract is a legally binding document that sets out your rights and obligations, so reviewing it carefully is crucial.

4 min read
Navigating Personal Grievances: What Every Employee Should Understand Before Filing a Complaint
What you need to know if you are thinking of making a complaint at work.

4 min read
Before you go... is your redundancy genuine?
Tips on what to look for if you don't think you redundancy is fair.

3 min read
Are you being performance managed? How to tell if your performance improvement plan (PIP) is fair.
How to determine if your performance improvement plan is fair.

1 min read
Success in the ERA!
Very few record of settlements and ERA determinations go unpaid and need to be filed for compliance. However if the other party does fail to

1 min read
Another success in the ERA for our team!
Very few of our cases end up in the ERA as most resolve before then. However if there's no other way to resolve them, we take a lot of pride

2 min read
Can an employer deduct from your wages?
nlawful wage deductions can significantly impact your finances and well-being. Understanding when an employer can deduct from your wages and

2 min read
How many breaks should I get at work?
In New Zealand, there are laws in place to make sure employees are all getting the rest and meal breaks they're entitled to at work....
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